Monday, June 15, 2009

Attempting to sew

Today has been a crazy busy day full of randomness. I started off the morning cleaning up all our random stuff lying around, then went down stairs the the royal disaster zone to try to clean up one room to put all the toys and supplies in till the rest of the building is done. The kids the past week have been bored because they have been kicked out of there playroom due to all the construction, it just isn't safe with concrete flying everywhere. So this morning Courtney and I worked on creating an outdoor play area in their hallway we took out a couple tables, big mats to sit on and lie on and then everyday we will wheel out a cart of toys to play with during the day. We are hoping to start a regular schedule starting wednesday with activities 8-5. I am super excited to do this and get to play with the kids. So today I have been busy working on lesson plans that will be used for the next 6 months. 

Construction is well on its way, 3 more wall went up today 80 it is crazy how fast they whip up these things. Funny story, I was running down stairs to get something out of the miriam center and forgot they put up a wall where I was heading and WHAMMMM definitely ran into I almost did it in a different place later today....I got to get used to this new floor plan. 

Courtney and I raded Magdala's office today where all the extra supplies get put after groups leave and we found 3 boxes of goodies for the Miriam center. We found construction paper, bean bag balls, bouncy balls, popsicle sticks, color yourself stickers, ect. It was so much fun, I felt like I was shopping for free. :)

Mom I finished sewing the sensory matt today, so it is ready to go. I started on the bean bags but realized one of the women who was helping sew last week sewed the bean bags shut without putting anything in them...whoops... so I need to pull them apart and put stuff in them and then start sewing them again. I got 3 done so far. 

I also worked somemore on my sensory box I am is coming along well but I ran out of ideas for 2 walls...I am in brainstorming mode again. 

I started into my Beth Moore Bible study and am super excited about it. 

I prayer of praise is that for the first time in a week I am feeling good. I don't have a headache, my jaw is not killing me, and my stomach is not upset :)


  1. Autumn I am glad things are going so well and that you are feeling better today. I hope the construction keeps moving along and you can get things organized for the groops comming after you,

  2. I am so glad that you are feeling a better. What a prayer of praise. Try not to bounce your head off of too many walls. lol I am glad the sensory mat is finished and hope the children like it. Stay safe and hope you et the bean bags completed. Love you Mom

  3. Hi - enjoying the blog and you sound quite busy. Hope all continures to go well for you stay safe and will be anxious to talk with you when you get back.

  4. Hey Re! Glad you're having such a great time. Doesn't it feel good to be in the place where you feel most confortable and happy? You better watch your head though! Haha. I'm glad you're feeling better. Hopefully Satan has realized that he's not going to stop the good things you're doing and has moved on to a new target. I'm praying for ya! I only wish you were here next Wed....we're going to Cedar Point! But I know you're having more fun in Haiti. Miss you! Can't wait to plan our Cinci roadtrip! :)

  5. P.S. The 2 Corinth. verse that is on the cross at the mission is where my email address and screenname came from....and RSJ too....haha.

  6. Autumn,
    Now that you have run into "THE WALL" you won't be able to tease Adam quite so much about running into the "wall" at the Christian house. So glad you are feeling better. Glad you are getting things accomplished and that you feel good about what is being done. We continue to pray for you and the others working with you as well as for opening the hearts and minds of those you are assisting. You are a blessing.
    Love, Aunt Linda and Uncle Larry. GOD BLESS!!

  7. Keeping you in my prayers and hoping each day is filled with His Blessings.

    Love Lori
