The past few days have been pretty good…not too eventful as I have really been focusing in on the paperwork aspect & finishing up performing evaluations. It is Sunday night & I did not get quite as much as I was hoping done but still A LOT. I am back on schedule at least.
I have finished performing 11 out of 13 OT evaluations that still needed performed. All 30 have been typed into the computer. 27 have treatment plans written for them and 15 have the picture evaluation sheets completed. God really blessed me with sending a mother who is here on a short-term trip. Her daughter & her came back from a trip early due to her daughter being sick. She typed about 7 hours worth of paperwork including 10 out of 20 PT evaluations that needed typed into the computer. Needless to say I feel like I am in a pretty good place to be starting this coming week.
The plan for this week is for Naham to take the picture evaluation sheets & start doing treatment on the kids. I will watch & teach as he goes. I will also at this time give him more ideas for activities. His homework this weekend was brainstorming 10 activities for hand strengthening, 10 for bilateral hand coordination, 10 fine motor activity ideas, etc. I am excited to see what he comes back with.
Last night I had a movie night with the kids. We watched an Elmo movie which was fun. It was nice since I did not see the kids much at all yesterday since I did 7 hours of paperwork in the office.
Today was a much needed relaxing day to rest & be in the presence of God. I slept in till 9ish…well got up at 6 went down stairs because didn’t think I could go back to sleep & put some music on & laid on Courtney’s bed. Next thing I know I was asleep & woke up at 9. I went to Church across the street at the mission & an American Pastor spoke on God’s will in suffering & talked about job’s life. I came back & ate lunch followed by watching a Louie Giglio video on GRACE. I typed about 4-5 treatment plans before we had staff Bible study. We started a 6 week Bible study series by Andy Stanley on Satan & his workings. It is really good & makes you really think! It is called Twisting the truth. Today was all about how Satan is the Father of Lies & a murder from the beginning & he rules through deception. Really good to remember that Satan is active…He is out to destroy us. Ate dinner then we had evening devotions & worship up in the new chapel on the roof. It was a wonderful time of worship followed by Shawn King sharing a talk on MERCY. It was a wonderful day.
Sorry this is short & a little choppy. I know I left lots out from the last 3 days but I am drawing a blank. Thank you for your prayers. I do ask that you continue to pray for me as I train Naham. That God would give me the words to say & show me what to teach & how to teach. Pray for God to continue to progress each of the Miriam center children in their therapy goals. Pray that I would be completely surrendered to HIS will & allow Him to be my guide everyday. I want to be Christ hands, feet, & face to all I come in contact with here in Haiti. Pray for peace for me as there are a few things weighing heavy on my heart right now that I would be able to surrender them to God & trust fully in His perfect timing & plan!
1 day ago
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