Saturday, September 1, 2018

Jenny and Phoebe Visit

Jenny and Phoebe are 2 of the Rehab Technicians who went to school at LLU/UNAH Rehab Technician program in Carrefoure Haiti. I taught 3 of there classes in school. They did there 3 month clinical for school with me and then came back after graduation for 3 months to learn and specialize in pediatrics with me. They ended up moving to Cap Haitian where I was able to facilitate them getting a job at Children Of The Promise (COTP) where they have helped to develop and run there Residential Therapy Program and Outreach Program therapy. They both are amazing Godly women who have a heart for special needs children and therapy. They both have leadership personalities, are hard workers and love being creative. They are both gifted in the area of building adaptive equipment. 

This past trip in May/June when STAND was in town I was in need of some more hands to help with the building equipment end. Their organization graciously agreed to let them come and help build at STAND if they took their personal vacation time. It was such a blessing to have them! They got to enjoy a day of fun at Tortuga Beach. 

Don't mind my blue hand. I had minor hand surgery and had stitches and could not get the area wet
but I did not want to miss out on the fun! so glove and ductape to waterproof :-)

Then on Sunday before the week started they got to go down to St. Louis and visit the MC kids.
The kids were so excited to see them!!!!

Sunday night they spent the night at my house where I made dinner.
We had yummy cheesy chicken and pasta. 

They worked hard all week in the STAND clinic it were a tremendous help in building custom equipment for the kids and keeping the clinic running downstairs while I was upstairs keeping that aspect running. It was a huge help and relief. I was horrible at taking pictures because I was so busy... oops

Jenny and Phoebe have 2 of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard. I made them a deal... Backstory multiple times they have asked to do my makeup and have to dress up... It was also my birthday and the team was going salsa dancing at a local club that night. I wasn't going to go. BUT... I made them a deal...They could do my makeup for salsa dancing night and I would go IF the following night they would sing 3 songs for the group and I. 

So Here was the makeup they did for Salsa night

And Here was the return to the deal... Them singing 3 songs. They even surprised me and learned the song I had asked them back in November to learn... Mary Did You Know... One of my favorites. It was beautiful!

They also did me and COTP a huge favor and help transport all the Simply Thick back to COTP for the kids that they work with. It was a great week of catching up and serving alongside these 2 again. 

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