Saturday, July 16, 2016

FSRL Board Meeting

Today was a great day in the realm of therapy in Haiti. We had the second FSRL (Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne) board meeting (the new Bachelors level OT and PT programs). It was an honor to sit on the board on behalf of HAOT/AHE (the national OT society). We had a very successful meeting including electing officers and 2 visiting guest Dr. Jackson Dean of LLU health sciences and Dr. Eugene who is the applicant for the Dean position at FSRL. This is the first bachelor level Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs in Haiti. This is HUGE! Another HUGE thing is that FSRL was able to take UNAH/LLU Rehab Technician Program Curriculum and integrate it in so that graduates will only have to take 3 years instead of 4 years of classes for their bachelors. Dr. Jackson flew all the way from LLU in California to personally thank the board for making this happen. I love watching Therapy unfold in Haiti as we together BLAZE the way for more sustainable therapy in Haiti. 

We all signed up for committees. I am on the committee recruiting
for students for next year and advertising the program

Dr. Jackson Dean of LLU health sciences collected and counted the votes

The new board of directors for FSRL

Everyone present at the meeting including those skipping in :-)

I finally got to meet the president of the PT association for Haiti (we had a great meeting after)
My second meeting that day was with Mr. Richard Romage, PT who is the President of the PT society of Haiti and also the Clinical Manager of Réhabilitation at the PIH/Zanmi Lasantè Hospital in Mirabalais. We had a wonderful time discussing the development of each of our associations and discussing how we could work together. I was very excited to find out about an initiative that has been made to form a sectorial table for Rehab in Haiti between the OT, PT, Rehab Tech, SCI, and PNO Associations. I did not know any of these other associations even existed in Haiti. Excited to meet up with everyone in August!

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