Well as many of you know the past year has been a whirlwind of CHANGE for me. I graduated from college, left for Haiti for almost a month & a half, came home & had 3 weeks to study for my boards, took my boards, 3 days later packed up a U-haul & moved from PA to NV. I moved to NV not knowing anyone, started my first job working at a school district (an area I did not do a clinical rotation in), & well pretty much so started a new life in an unfamiliar place. WHY? Well because God made it clear that He was calling me there.
Well God was MIGHTY GOOD…He provided me with an AMAZING church family, 3 Bible Studies that allowed me to grow spiritually & stay focused on Him, met 2 AMAZING women of God who later became my housemates, made wonderful friends, Worked with an AMAZING staff at the school district & fell in love with the kids I worked with. I learned how to write IEPS, how to treat kids in a school setting, learns tons of new things, got to teach others the skills I had learned in school or acquired on my other adventures. I was HAPPY to say the least. I had no intentions of leaving.
Well…God had other plans. About 8 months ago I got a brochure in the mail about a therapy clinic in Las Vegas. It was an outpatient pediatric clinic. I read the brochure & told myself it was my dream job…BUT I quickly put it away & reminded myself that I am perfectly happy where I am at…I am making a difference…I am growing spiritually…Life is good. I didn’t think much of it after that. I moved out of my apartment into a house with my 2 new roommates, I began helping start a disability ministry at my church, etc.
Well…with all the budget cuts my job at the school district was up in the air. They did not know if they could pay my contract next year. The company I worked for had a couple other pediatric options but all of them involved moving. I began praying hard about what God wanted me to do. God gave me piece that the job would come through at Douglas.
BUT as the time for me to leave for Haiti came nearer I began looking. If I had to move I decided maybe it was God saying that now I could move to Oklahoma to be with No Boundaries International (where I wanted to move last year but God said not now). I thought it must be now. I applied for 6 jobs out there but all fell through or were not what I wanted. The whole time I prayed that God would open doors He wanted open & close doors He wanted closed. Well He closed all those doors.
A nights later God woke me up at 4AM & kept pressing the Las Vegas Job on my heart & how I should apply. I kinda came up with a list of excuses of why I would never get the job & why I didn’t want to apply BUT He wouldn’t let me fall back asleep. I finally got up & wrote an email that basically said that outpatient pediatrics is my ideal treatment setting but because of what I do in Haiti I would need 2 months off so I understand if you are not interested (it was better worded I am sure but that was the gist of it). I got an email back a day or so later that said that they would be stupid to pass up a good therapist just because I would need 2 months off a year. I began talking to them more & even flew down to Vegas for an interview before I left for Haiti. I loved the clinic & thought it would be an amazing place to work. I would be able to offer a lot but at the same time learn a lot. I did not like the city at all…that was my big turnoff…we all know I am a country girl. Born & raised in the country. I left with a lot to think about.
I left for Haiti still not knowing what next year held. I prayed a lot…discerned where God was calling me…selfishly I wanted to stay where I was at…with my church…my friends…my roommates…I wanted nothing to change BUT I am not called to live a comfortable life…often times God calls us out of our comfort zones to grow us & teach us new things…I had to be willing if God called me to move.
Well a few weeks ago God told me to move to Vegas…To take that job. He affirmed it multiple times. So after all that is said I am moving to Vegas & start my new job Aug 31st working for My Left Foot Therapy Clinic. They have agreed to give me 2 months off a year to be in Haiti with my kids & mission family. EVERYTHING is changing again…once again I moving to a new city where I know no one, once again I must find a church, I have to learn a new job, & I am waaaaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone.
With all the changes I was brought back to the book that I read 2x last summer as I prepared to move “The Dream Giver” If you have not read this book it is a Fantastic Book & would highly recommend it. It is an easy read but so insightful. I wanted to share a few quotes that have been an encouragement to me….
“Our Heavenly Father never takes anything away from His children unless He means to give them something better.”
“Great things will happen when you put God first and make Him owner of all you care about.”
I feel that God is taking a lot away from me by asking me to move to Vegas & take this new job BUT I believe that He has something even better in store for me!!! I know great things will happen as I keep God first.
“The single best way to develop leaders is to take people out of their safe environment and away from the people they know, and throw them into a new arena they know little about. Way over their head., preferably. In fact, the more demanding their challenges, the more pressure & risk they face, the more likely a dynamic leader will emerge.”
Well…I think this pretty much describes what God just did…I guess He is developing me to be a leader…
“I’ve noticed the bigger the Dream, the longer the time of preparation…But like Joshua, Joseph, & David passed the tests of the wilderness & emerged prepared for their Dreams. You can to.”
God has given me some pretty BIG Dreams for Haiti & for helping disabilities children in general. He has given me a passion for the least of these & a vision for making the Invisible…Visible through Christ, Children, Community.
“Therefore you need to make the decision. Will you give God permission to do His work- for as long as He wants. In the ways that He wants, to change you as deeply as He wants- to prepare you for your BIG Dream?”
My prayer is that God would make me into the person I need to be to do the Dream He has created me to do…NO matter what that will cost me or where it will lead me or what I have to do to get there.
“Looking back now, I see that I was holding far more tightly to the gift of my Dream than to the Dream Giver Himself.”
I find this to be a constant battle…as yes my Dream is mission work & working for God but I must not get so caught up in pursuing my Dream that it affects my relationship & pursuit after knowing God more!
So there you have it. God is calling me onward to the next leg of my adventure to reach my BIG DREAM. I do ask for you prayers as I don’t like change. I ask that you pray that I could find a good church in Vegas, that I could find a good group of friends, that I would quickly learn & excel at my new job, & that I could grow closer to my Savior every step of the way.
not a suitable substitute
1 day ago