Finally doing posting a few blog posts about Teaching the 3 university level courses that I taught in August for the Rehab Tech Students...The following is my Facebook daily account....
Well every spare minute the last few weeks of July and first week of August revolved around preparing for the 3 courses I taught the rehab techs from UNAH in Carrefoure Haiti. Let's just say everything that could go wrong went wrong... But I intentionally chose to say that's because Satan did not like what is about to happen. This picture shows the 45 ppts. which we went through in the 3 weeks. I took a lot of time throughout the spring and summer to research and to create fact sheets for 40 pediatric diagnosis. This took a lot of time and energy but nothing like this exists in Haiti. All of these diagnosis sheets were translated into creole. I did not have time to make them look pretty before the class but at all the students received the information. My vision for these fact sheets is that they would be available too doctors and therapists across Haiti to educate parents on their child's disabilities. I also made copies of my resource binder, the ppts., and diagnosis fact sheets to make their lab and resource binders!
So thankful that Jonathan (nahum's) brother came and helped me print while I did the education training. Also so thankful for my student Estephyole who has stayed late every night this week and worked for 14 hours last week helping me with ppts. And getting ready for the class. Pulling off this class at the mission has taken a team effort by everyone. Thank you everyone who has helped! The students leave PAP tomorrow morning at 5:30 and will get to the mission around 1.
The day before the students arrived went something like this... 17 Haitian rehab tech Students arrive at the mission after lunch tomorrow. Please pray for safe travels for them! And that we can get all the printing and making of binders done before they get here
The students have arrived. It is slightly funny to see all the students faces when they get off of the bus from PAP to St. Louis. They are always slightly in culture shock as most have never left the city....
First day of far so good :-) the chapel has been transformed into a classroom by day and will return to a chapel by night ;-)
Today the students are learning normal development and reflexes. For Lab the students are broken into 5 lab groups and each group has 7 MIriam Center kids. Over the next 2.5 weeks every lab will be with their same kids. By the end of their time here they will really know 7 kids with different diagnosis and how to treat them and how to make adaptive equipment for them :-)
Should be a good but busy few weeks!!!!
Day 2
The second day of teaching went well. We had Andrea a pediatric visiting PT teach brachial plexus, Torticollis and CIMT in the morning and after lunch I taught hemiplegia and Pediatric Stroke. Then the students learned and practiced YOGA and Theraband.
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Learning how to treat Torticollis |
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Theraband and YOGA |
Day 3
The students lab was learning/practicing stretching, massage, therapy brushing with kids at the MIriam Center. The kids loved the extra long massage & stretching. I'm class they learned about contractures, contracture prevention, benefits of massage, muscular Dystrophy, Arthrogroposis, and cerebral palsy. Ran out of time to do Spina Bifida so will cover it another day.
Day 4
The students learned all about various foot, leg, knee conditions as well as amputations, Spinal Cord injuries and TBI-traumatic brain injury. Lab occurred throughout the day as kids arrived. They got to see 2 club feet children get casted and learned how to do club foot casting, they learned how to do casting for CIMT. Then they got to learn the process of evaluating a new child with possible leg problems. After evaluation sent the child for xray and then will further evaluate. Overall good day but definitely long! Lol
Day 5
In the morning the students watched a video on therapy ball treatment techniques and then they got the chance to practice what they learned with the Miriam Center kids in their group.
The students learned all about sensory Integration and then in LAB each had 1 child with sensory integration difficulties to lead through 4 stations.
Station 1- shaving cream, sand and water play
Station 2- variety of swings and bubble play
Station 3- play dough fun and a box with a variety of textured and noise toys
Station 4- cause-effect, vibration, music And light up toy play
Station 4- cause-effect, vibration, music And light up toy play
Saturday afternoon we had a movie afternoon with the kids and then class in the evening. the students learned about feeding. What to do and what not to do and techniques to use when feeding children with special needs. So that after church today they could practice what they learned feeding a child.
Day 7
Sunday the students were invited to attend Miriam Center church. After church they each got to help feed a child or if it was a very difficult feed they got to watch the mom's feed them. We spent the afternoon and evening learning more about feeding, oral-motor and nutrition. It was a very interactive lesson with crackers, cookies, juice, straws, whistles, sour/hot candy, etc. I'm the end the students understand how each part of the parts of their mouth okay a role in feeding and if their is a problem in 1 area due to tone or weakness how it affects everything. They also learned a variety of treatment techniques.
wow! I have so much more appreciation for my professors and teachers. This is ALOT of work preparing homework a, quizzes, tests, power points, labs, etc. and exhausting teaching all day! Then at the end of the day you grade homework, prepare for next day, etc....
today was very busy full of lectures and covering a lot of information. Today we covered cleft palate, sensory behaviors, scoliosis, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, seizures, Down syndrome, burns, Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injury!
Tomorrow is another big day....I better try to get some sleep! Sorry no pictures today....
Day 9
Today was OT focus. The students learned about handwriting, visual-perceptual skills, hand strengthening, and FM skills & different treatment techniques in class. In lab they each had 1 child and helped them complete 6 stations over a 2 hour period. From the pictures you can see fun was had by all!
In the evening the students had there first big exam on developmental milestones and reflexes.
Today was the 1/2 way mark of the class!
Day 10
Today was focused in NDT treatment approach. They learned about it then watched 3 DVDs from Bohoeme workshop (who graciously donated many books and DVDs!). They then had an NDT lab. 10 MC kiddos got an hour 3:1 therapy session :-) so fun. Over the next 2 days the rest of the MC kids will all get 1 hour 3:1 therapy sessions!
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