Thursday, September 13, 2018


Months prior to the Annual meeting I began praying, preparing schedules, creating new paperwork, medical cards, nutrition cards, etc. Prior to the meeting I posted the following PRAYER REQUESTS on facebook....
Please join me in praying for the Annual Outreach Meeting which is occurring this morning from 9-2. We are prepared to have 200 families come. 
-Pray for the meeting to run smoothly as there is a lot to Coordinate 
-pray that the families remember the meeting and show up
-pray for the 40 families who are getting moved out of active outreach and back to the waiting list due to poor attendance that they will attend parent outreach and STAND and show their dedication to the program so that next year they can return to the active outreach.
-pray for the 40 new families who get to come off the waiting list and get a chance at Active outreach that they will take the program seriously and be committed to attending all aspects of the program
-pray for the 20 families receiving news that their child is graduating from the program. That they would be excited and see this as GREAT news. Families sometimes don't want to graduate because they lose the benefits of being active (medical care, parent education/support system, and fun activities). These kids will still be checked up on 3x a year at STAND pediatric clinic
- pray that the families will accept and see the value in the new aspects of outreach beings added by STAND a vitamin program, medical advocacy help at the hospital, and medical homevisits.
-pray for the families to understand the new schedules and strip away any confusion. That each person would leave fully understanding the schedules. The last 2 years there has been confusion understanding schedules so I have changed it completely.
-pray that each of us present and helping would be image bearers of Christ and His love to each of the families today.

Thank you for the prayers. The annual outreach meeting was a huge success! We had only half (100) of the parents show but honestly we could not handle all at 1x. We will call those that didn't come and have another meeting or 2 in the coming few weeks. Excited for a new year of outreach. It took a village to pull off the meeting. We had many Miriam Center staff helping, STAND staff and translators and ALL the therapy staff. Thankfully all the extra preparations I feel like this was the smoothest meeting yet. 

2 weeks later we had  a makeup meeting to give families 1 more chance to get annual schedules. We had about 50 families show up. Excited to see what God has in store this year! 

A week later after a parent education  3rd and final chance to come get calendars for this years outreach program.
We had 10 families come. Sadly the last 40 will be moved back to waiting list. We knew the attendance policy might make outreach smaller for this year but we are excited to pour into the 100 families who did get their calendars. If families come in the next 2 months their is a chance to still be added in as long as they are truly new and never had a chance at involvement in the program. We are excited to pour into these families and build relationship with them. Filling in the gaps medically, physically, emotionally and spiritually where they need us. The 50 families who were put on a Years suspension due to poor attendance last year can earn their way back into the program by attending monthly parent education meetings and taking their child to STAND 3x a year. The 100 kids on the waiting list who did not come get calendars if they come soon will still get a chance for this year.
Next Friday we have 25 kids graduating out of active outreach and into being follows up with at STAND 2-3x a year.

Please join me in covering this upcoming outreach year in prayer!

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