Friday, September 7, 2018


July 6th we had our 2nd annual Outreach graduation. We had 25 kids graduating out of Active outreach into STAND and just a Home Exercise Program. 16 of the 25 were able to attend the ceremony. 

Graduation is by far one of my favorite events of the year. We made some good changes this year to make it a celebration for ALL the families in outreach not just the ones graduating. We host graduation during a parent education slot so all 140 parents with children in Active Outreach can celebrate with the parents who have kids graduating. 

Last year I watched as the day went by and realized there were many families who had children who would never walk across stage and graduate. That would never graduate out of needing therapy, needing special medical care or special nutrition plans, I saw sadness in some of these parents eyes. So this year we made sure that graduation from here on out was and will be a day to celebrate ALL the Lord has done over the past year. A time for each family to reflect back on how the program has helped their individual families and children as well as us as a group to reflect on the many ways the Lord has blessed the program. I mean this program only exists and keeps running due to the Lords faithful provision. 

Prior to having the graduates walk across the stage to receive there diplomas we took time to acknowledge all the developmental milestones that children who were not graduating may have reached. We asked 
-for any parents who’s children had head control now but didn’t a year ago to stand up… 
-for any parent who’s child can now roll but could not a year ago to stand up…
-for any parents who child can now sit but could not a year ago to stand up 
-for any parent with a child who could not crawl but is crawling now to Stand up.
-for any parent with a child who couldn't stand but can stand now to stand up
-for any parent with a child who could not walk but now can to stand up. 
-for any parents who has seen there child make progress, get stronger and be able to do more to stand up. 

We went through and celebrated the milestones that their children did make. We then took time to recognize and encourage parents who have been faithful to the program for 8+ years recognizing their faithfulness and encouraging them not to give up. 

We also took time to praise God for his provision and financial blessings that have allowed this program to thrive and provide for these families over the past year. We had over 225 people present over 150 special needs families. 

We then proceeded To call the graduates 1 by 1 to receive their diploma. We shared where they were at when the entered the program to where they are now as graduates. Celebrating their tremendous progress. These kids are overcomers. They and their families worked so hard and sacraficed a lot to get to this point. 

The service was full of special music, a few parents even asked to share special music or testimonies of how the program has blessed their family and helped their child. 

At the end we shared a meal together and had a fun time of picture taking. 

What a truthfully blessed day of Celebrating the Lords faithfulness and blessings over the past year.







1 of the gifts from graduation is an album recording the day. Any pictures taken of the child and there family I print and put an album together the next time I am stateside. This is a precious gift for the family as pictures are not easy for them to get or have access to. They truly treasure them. 


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