Sorry I have not posted since everything happened, I was so caught up in finding out if everyone was ok, praying, crying, questioning God, and trying to Trust. Thank you all who sent emails, called, and facebooked me with concerns and asking how you could help. If you would like to donate financially you can go to the site is secure I promise. It has been a long exhausting last 28 hours since I heard what happened. Since then I have so much to praise God for
1. Everyone at the mission is safe and only minor damage to a few walls. All 23 of my miriam center kids are ok. All the missionary families on the compound are ok PRAISE GOD
2. Jose Jody's husband was in Port-A-Prince when the earthquake hit and had no way to contact if he was ok. Everyone was praying like crazy he was ok. He finally got to a phone and reported he was alive and ok but the devestation is catastrophic. You can visit the Castillo's blog there is a link on the right for the most up-to date and detailed reports of what is happening. WARNING many may bring you to tears (at least I did)but they are true stories. Then Jody did not hear from Jose again for 24 hours but just heard little while ago he is still ok even after all the aftershocks. PRAISE GOD
3. Matt and Stacie Ayers are ok and everyone at their mission is ok
4. Rolgard who worked of the mission for years is in the states studying physical therapy planning to return to Haiti to practice. His whole family was missing until about 20 minutes ago. So many have been immersing him and his family in prayers and PRAISE GOD they are alive. PRAISE GOD
5. Grace Baptist- my church in Erie has missionaries in Haiti and I got word they are ok and alive PRAISE GOD
6. MAgdala the Haitain in charge of the birthing center servived and her whole family did...PRAISE GOD
PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE Be emersing Haiti in your prayers...American's there are saying this is comparable/worse than ground zero on 9/11
-hundreds of thousands are dead
-Many of the mission HAitain staff have not been heard from
-PRay for the ones who lost loved ones
-Pray for the ones still alive but buried in rubel
-PRay for those in the distant villages who don't know if family members are alive
-PRay for those who are injured with no medical help available
-PRay for all those who are homeless
-Pray for all those who are still looking for loved ones in the rubel
-PRay for the missionaries as they make plans to help
-Pray for all those mobilizing to come to Haiti to help
-PRay that supplies come
-Pray for all those who don't know Christ in the midst of this....I can't imagine
-Pray for all the christians who are confused
Monday I randomly opened to ps 119 and read it then teusday morning I read ps. 121 it did not mean a whole lot at the time, I applied it to my day and went to class later that night after all this shocking news came, my heart was breaking, I was crying, I picked up my Bible and re-read ps. 121
"I lift my eyes to the hills
where does my help come from
my help comes from the Lord,
the make of heaven and earth
He will not let your foot slip
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches of Isreal [Haiti]
will neither slumber or sleep.
The Lord watches over you
the Lord watches over your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day
nor the moon by night
The Lord will keep you from all harm
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore"
WOW!!! Thank you God. Thank you that last night you were not sleeping but right in the midst of everything bringing the Haitains comfort and love. Thank you that you were watchign over my brothers and sisters in Haiti. Thank you that you are still there. GOD THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING ALL MY MISSIONARY FRIENDS!
Today was full of tears, Questions, Prayers, Waiting, Trusting, and Praising God. By tonight I am exhausted emotionally. I feel like I can not cry anymore...I just new I needed to go to bed and trust God from here. however I felt God telling me to read some more from bed. So I picked up my Bible re-read ps. 121 read a few more psalms and then God lead me to ps 126:6
"He who goes out weeping,
carring seed to sow,
will return with songs of Joy,
carrying sheaves with him."
I was thinking WOW!!! God tomorrow the mission is sending a medical team down to PAP and they are all heartbroken, weeping and scared what to find. Jose is in the midst of it. So many in Haiti are weeping right now and you are promising Joy???
Them I read the footnote which said-
"God's ability to restore life is beyond our understading, Forests burn down and are able to grow back. Broken bones heal. Even GREIF is not a permanent condition. Our tears which we have all shed alot the past 24 hours] will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out of tragedy. When burdnened by sorrow, know that your times of greit will end and that you agin will find joy. We must be patient as we wait. God's great harvest of joy is coming."
WOW GOD YOU R AMAZING just what I needed to hear before going to bed after one of the roughest days I have ever had. I could write more but I am exhausted and heading to bed.
PLEASE keep praying, if you can help financially please do. This was already the poorest country in the western hemisphere. They were still recovering from the 4 hurricaines that hit last year around this time.
We serve a BIG...AWSOME...GREAT GOD! He can turn our weeping into Joy!
not a suitable substitute
1 day ago
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