I apologize for not updating my blog in a week. It has been a rough but good week at the same time. As you can imagine so much has happened on the Haiti front. I can't seem to pull myself away from the missionary blogs, facebook updates, the news. My heart continues to break for the people of Haiti and I have been emotionally drained. BUT at the same time God has been revealing himself in Amazing ways. It is hard because the news seems to focus on the negative, don't get me wrong they love to tell of the rescues as well. PRAISE GOD for all those pulled from the rubble. I thought I would share some stories that have been an encouragement to me that have come from the missionaries in Haiti. PLEASE if you want more updates see my missionary family's blogs off to the right.
Jody Castillo
“Most parents watch their children playing school or doctor. I watch mine play Earthquake.
Mikela: Okay. Your house fell down on you. It’s shaking. It’s shaking.
Rosie: Help me! Help Me. My house fell on me.
Malaya: My house fell too. I don’t see my baby.
Mikela: Sorry Rosie. I can’t help you. You’re dead. Malaya – I will try to dig you out. I cant save your baby-sorry.
Our kids talk about the quake just like your kids talk about what they ate for lunch. Malaya prayed last night that the people who died would all go to Heaven. Mikela prays for people to understand there is only ONE God and that He will take care of them. Rosie prays for people who are still under concrete.”
Jody also reported a story about one of the girls sitting in the room when one of the mission staff came in crying as she just found out her sister did not make it. Her daughter turned to her grandma and said Grandma, tell her about the things of heaven, where there is no more pain, no more sorrow...before her grandma could translate it, she started saying it creol and wiping the ladies tears away :)
I have been amazed at the wisdom and faith of all the missionary children. It makes my heart smile to see the godly hearts of these children, there compassion, and concern for the people of Haiti.
Stacie Ayers
This morning we put the very last of our Haitian money in the offering plate. While we have some US cash, all the banks in Cap-Haitien have closed. (due to the fact that all the banks in PAP were destroyed) With banks being closed, we had no way to change our US money for Haitian money, and without any Haitian money...we had NO MONEY at 10 am this morning. We usually keep a reserve of money, but with all the major need this past week, it was ALL gone. We told one of the visiting professors staying with us this morning, "I don't know WHAT we're going to do."
After church this morning, a friend asked us for a little bit of money to help her buy some rice for her family, and I told her honestly, "We have not ONE penny, I'm so sorry! We have US cash, but no Haitian money, and no one is changing!"
"What are you going to do?" she asked, and I honestly replied, "I don't know!"
It was not 30 seconds later that she came back to me, and said, "Someone knows someone. I will come to your house later."
Well, she just left with a friend of a friend, who changed out money for us, and at a great rate, too! We praise the Lord for making that which was not possible, possible.
Church this morning. We have been just so blessed by the reactions of Haitian believers to all of this. After a time of prayer for all those who are hurting, we had a long praise time, and I was in tears listening to the loud songs of heart-felt praise enveloping us. After an awesome sermon about the struggles we will always face, but the faithfulness of our heavenly Father, we were encouraged that NOW is the time.
"It takes much pain for a woman to give birth to something new. We have an opportunity to rebuild, to build something new, to take what has been Satan's for so long and make it HIS, to stop living for ourselves and to live for Him!"
Then, a nearby pastor stopped in the service, and let everyone know that area churches are all coming together to make Casava (a common type of bread/cookie). "If you have the ingredients for Casava in your garden, bring them! If you have money, bring it! If you have charcoal, bring it. If you have two grains of rice for your family, bring one!"
Tomorrow they will make as much Casava as they can with what everyone donates, and then a group of believers will take it to fallen churches in PAP.
I was so touched, and continue to be so touched, by the way ALL those around us are responding to this devastation. For those who have so little already, I know their "three pennies" are beautiful sacrifices unto the Lord.
We saw Lucner's brother yesterday, and what a miracle...so be in a building entirely collapsed on Tuesday, surrounded by his dead room-mates. To be found by Lucner on Thursday in the hallway of a hospital in Port-au-Prince. To be WALKING on his street in Cap-Haitien on Saturday alongside of his mother...I saw a miracle with my own eyes in him yesterday, we praise Him.
Courtney Peirce
I have been so encouraged to have the opportunity to talk to Courtney most everyday the last few days. To share our struggles, to share the joys, and to be excited with each other when God would reveal to us just how big he is.
As I shared .ast week I found out For Jonathan Sake was going to have to be shut down due to funding. Me and courtney struggles with this for a while but finally we were both able to turn it over to God adn when we finally did God revealed to us both his amazing power and love for us and for our families and their kids.
An hour after Courtney received an email that someone donated $1,000 to help reopen our program :) WOW....BIG GOD! Courtney figuered out it would cost roughly before inflation rice and beans for a year would cost around $1,000 :) BUT with inflation it might be closer to $1,000 a month :( Either way we will continue to fight and raise money to keep this program running God has been so amazing in opening up opportunities.
I have been so amazed the past week of the flood of people willing to help. I have people helping out in cincinnati, I have college students from my home church fundraising, my brothers girlfriend has helped set up 4-5 collections, I have 3 speaking engagements already set up for February, possibly fundraiser at school. God has been opening up so many doors. I have received so much support threw phone calls, emails, and facebook messages with encouraging words. THANK YOU....EVERYONE who has helped in any way whether threw an encouraging word, prayer, or donation.
Please continue to pray for Haiti
1.Pray for healing for all those mourning, who are injured, who are spiritually confused.
2.Please pray for all those who do not now Jesus as their personal Savior that they will come to know and love him
3. Pray for all medical personel floodign into Haiti to help especially 22 surgeons who just arrived today at NWHCM.
4. Pray for people to continue to remember Haiti when it is no longer to top story
5. Pray for all the missionaries around Haiti
6. PRay for God's PEACE, LOVE, MERCY to flood into all the hearts of those in Haiti
7. PRAY for peace for all those who are still missing loved ones and hold onto the hope they are alive
THANK YOU AGAIN for all your support!
not a suitable substitute
1 day ago
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