Saturday, January 4, 2014

For Jonathan Sake Outreach Day 4-Casandra

Casandra started coming to the outreach program this past year. Casandra’s mother shared during the Christmas Party their incredible adventure & how God brought them to the program…

Casandra’s mother shared that when Casandra turned 1 years old & was not walking, talking, & low muscle tone which meant she was not normally developing & had special needs. Her & her husband decided that the best thing would be to drop her off at the Nuns house in PdP in the town they lived. That night while Casandra’s mother was sleeping and had a dream that she was on her way to the Nuns house with Casandra, She met an elderly lady on the way who asked her where she was going. When she told her that she was taking her daughter Casandra to the Nuns, The elderly lady told her she was making a mistake. In the morning when she woke up she remembered the dream but went on with her day. She headed down to the market like she did everyday. On the way though she met Nahum (the Haitian Director of the Miriam Center) who told her about the For Jonathan Sake Outreach Program.
Casandra's mother brought her the next week to outreach and has been coming since. She said that in the program she found HELP and HOPE… She felt EMPOWERED and ENCOURAGED to keep her daughter and was given the chance to love her & grow in relationship with her. Casandra’s mother shared that though she is not able to come every week to outreach because of not having the $ for transportation ($1 per week) but when she has the funds she is there. Her mother is on the floor each time working with her on standing, sitting, playing with toys, and crawling.  I absolutely love watching Casandra’s mother interact with her and work with her. LOVE RADIATES from their relationship. I have not gotten the opportunity to know this family as deeply as some of the outreach BUT I am EXCITED to get to know them more this coming year. Please keep this family in your prayers!


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