Monday, November 10, 2014

Phoenix Rising Haiti October Team

It is always a wonderful privilege to work alongside Phoenix Rising and learn from this amazing group of therapist/prosthetic/orthopedic team. Phoenix Rising's team is made up of professionals from all over the United States. Phoenix Rising has been coming to Haiti and changing lives for years. In the past year or so they rented a space in Port-de-Paix (PdP) about an hour from the mission where they bring teams 2-3x a year for 1-2 week trips. Their sole purpose is to bring therapy, prosthetics, and orthopedics to as many people as possible in their short-time in Haiti. They see 75+ patients per day assessing, treating, and educating.

As you know in Haiti I fulfill many roles that I am not qualified to fill but with God’s help I do my best. Two of those areas are Orthotics (as I have fitted many of the children with AFO’s to the best of my knowledge) and Physical Therapy (I do a lot of treating that falls into the realms of PT). The Miriam Center was truly blessed in many ways during their trip in October. First it was during the time frame that I had 2 fieldwork 1 students from Loma Linda University, I was training Laura to be my possible new therapy assistant, it was Carlo's first week of employment as Miriam Center Therapist and Nicholson of course was with me. Phoenix Rising graciously allowed 3-4 of us to come each day to observe, learn, and be hands on. Secondly we were blessed to have a PT (Jennifer) and Orthotist (Don) come to the Miriam Center 1 morning/afternoon.  Thirdly about 31+ children and staff from the Miriam Center & Mission got evaluated and treated throughout the week! Talk about an incredible blessing. In order to keep track of everyone and so follow up treatment information got relayed back to me since I wan't their everyday I created a notecard system. It worked great!

I had the wonderful privledge and opportunity to work alongside Morgan one of the PTs. We made a pretty good team ;-) I wish I could have spent all week with them all day everyday but I am very thankful for the time I got. I realize I still had responsibilities back at the Miriam Center ;-) I love sharing resources and was so glad that I had small AFO's, walkers, therapy balls, therapy brushes and handouts that I was able to share in order to bless many of the pediatric families that came. I know I learned a ton during the week. So thankful for Morgan's willingness to explain her train of thought and treatments with the kids. 

Top Left- this sweet pea had surgery a year ago and we were able to fit her for new AFO's & educate dad on some new stretches and Exercises
Top Right- this little girl was not one of ours but Morgan was able to evaluate her and give her family a treatment plan
Bottum Left- Magdala was able to get evaluated and treated for her back pain & arthritis. She said she had not felt that good in a long time and for weeks after she would come up and tell me how great she felt. They recommended icy hot cream for when she had pain & we were able to get a ton donated & into Haiti on the surgery team
Bottom Right- Carry has a knife nerve injury. He has been my challenge for the past year. I got a second opinion and they provided me with great therapy ideas. so thankful for the treatment ideas. 

Nerlande got evaluated. We tried out a new walker and canes but they did not seem to help to much. The decision was made that she really needs specialized AFO's. We took cast molds and I am hoping to find a place in the USA willing to make a pair for her. Nerlande has the best smile and lights up a room!

Mike is apart of my Monday outreach. His mom has been asking me for an AFO for months as many of the monday kids wear them. I don't know enough about when AFO's are necessary and when they hinder development so I said they needed to wait to see phoenix rising. They did end up fitting him for an AFO. They also provided me great treatment ideas. 
The Top pictures are more pics of Mike
The bottom: This is Doudie one of the cutest little girls with Down Syndrome I have ever met! She is in my wednesday outreach group. She has such an attitude and personality :-) She has super low tone with ALOT of hip instability and hypermobility in all of her joints. We were able to makeshift a compression hip strap to help provide more stability. We provided alot family education. 
Top and bottum lift photo- was a little guy that came in that had super low tone. He needed a walker to help him walk and we just happened to have the perfect walker for him at the MC that had not been used in 8 months and was in storage. This little guy will be running in no time ;-) ok maybe by april when phoenix rising will be back.
Bottum Right- Kenia has been in my outreach program for the last 4 years. She walks with a crouch that keeps getting worse. They were able to help me pick out a good walker for her from a list of options that a group could bring in 2 weeks later (she received her walker and her mom said it would help increase independence especially at school). They also helped with alot of family education and provided with night leg splints to prevent further contractures.

The Top: this little boy had bowed legs. As we were finishing up treating him we found out he had a twin brother who was smaller than him and not even able to stand. we were able to treat both boys, educate the family and provide them with a pvc pipe walker with 2 sets of poles (one set to fit each child). I feel like the parents left feeling educated and empowered.
The bottom Left: Is a picture with Doudie and her mom.
The bottom Right: We as little that came in that was alot of hypotonia. we were able to educate the mom on massage, therapy brushing. The little girl had a high fever and was able to see their PA and nurse and get medicine. 

Top: 2 of the team members I got to work with Morgan and Justin.
Bottum: was sunset one night before I left to head back to the mission. 

Don worked hard fixing velcro on AFO's, fitting MC kids for new braces and even checking Anels prosthesis out.
Jennifer worked hard assessing a variety of MC kiddos and giving some treatment ideas as well as educating the parents. I love when other therapists come in and educate the parents. I really think it helps them hearing it from other people other than just me. 

The Students worked hard fixing helping fix velcro on braces, practiced their new learned skills on each other and helped treat. 

One of the techniques I knew very little about and neither did any of the therapy students was needling. This technique fascinated me. The man above had a stroke and they strategically placed the needles and stimulated them to increase his ability to speak! I also let them needle my jaw (I know that was an act of trust for me as I am so protective of my jaw) but taking a moto or tap-tap  and hour each way every day was killing my jaw and the needling really did help! So thankful they even took time to treat me :-)

So as you can tell it was a busy but good week. I was back and forth each day between PdP and the MC. We were able to keep the therapy clinic running, outreach running and participate with Phoenix Rising. So blessed by the work that Phoenix Rising does. Can't wait till April to work alongside them again. 

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