We have spent the last 2 days cleaning out the depot which turned into a much bigger project than expected. Originally we were simply going to clean out the depot. I say simply like that was going to be an easy job but compared to what it has turned into it would have been. I was planning on organizing the depot so that it would be user friendly to all the groups that came in to work with the Miriam Center this summer. We started Monday afternoon and the mess stayed pretty controlled. Tuesday morning it exploded and by Tuesday night we decided while we are at it we should clean out all the deaf school’s room (we recently inherited this program and it has not organization right now) and organize it while we are at it. So Tuesday night we went over to the Deaf School and broke in (we had a key ;) We went over at like 10PM and brought a bunch of trunks over to begin organizing. We went to bed and figured this morning we would finish conquering. This morning Courtney went over to the deaf school to get some more stuff to bring over only to arrive to find the school in a panic thinking they had been broken into and all their stuff was stolen. Even the principle of the school showed up. All the teachers and students were in a panic and upset because everything was gone. Courtney quickly broke the news and cleared the air. After the confusion was cleared up they carried over 6 more trunks full of supplies. All morning till my outreach program went into organizing the deaf school supplies. I am so excited to set up a classroom and provide them with all these resources to make their program better. Courtney and I worked more this evening organizing but are still not finished. Tomorrow morning we will finish and set up the classroom. Tonight while cleaning the Depot and organizing all the deaf school supplies Courtney turned around to where many of the children were sitting and watching us. She put up letter notecards and steven began signing each letter. It was a priceless moment and we were 2 proud mom’s grinning ear to ear! We made him do it 2 more times so we could video tape it! Tomorrow I will get back to organizing the depot for the Miriam Center and the For Jonathan Sake outreach program. About the time we get all this stuff organized our crates from the states will be arriving
The past 2 days of chaotic organizational mess have made running my for Jonathan’s sake program more challenging as we hold it in that room. It has also prevented the Miriam Center kids from being in the playroom as well. So lets say everyone is ready for things to be organized! The first day I planned on doing For Jonathan’s Sake in the hallway outside but wouldn’t you know it was pouring rain. I only had 2 kids and so I thought well we can fit in a little corner that is still clean in that room. I had planned to make necklaces to work on FM skills and had a craft to go with the Bible lesson. The group that day was my higher functioning kids. Well 3 more showed up shortly after we moved into the room. It was a little chaotic but we had fun and that is what matters. Today I was really hoping to be finished organizing because I had all lower functioning kids which I use the barrel, therapy balls, swings, etc. with. Well, I ended up moving a matt, taking a therapy ball, some toys out to the hallway outside and being creative. It ended up working out well. God always provides!
My past few days have been really busy between organizing, For Jonathan’s Sake, studying for my boards, and pressing into God as I seek wisdom, guidance and understanding about my future.
One of the things I have been struggling with is finding the balance. I have been frustrated because I can’t seem to get everything done I want to get done and feel I need to get done… I have not got to spend as much time with the Miriam Home kids like I want… I was frustrated with the fact that I am laying all these foundations for programs and I won’t be here to see them continue running, I was frustrated that I have to leave so soon. I finally came to a point today where God reminded me that its not about me, what I want, what I feel I need to get done…It is about HIM. Every day I have been praying for God to use me how He wants and obviously He is…so why am I so frustrated? Because I had begun to take my eyes of HIM and fix them on me and what I wanted, my plans, my desires. Scripture says that his plans are not our plans. And as bad as I want to spend more time loving on the children and less time doing paperwork and organizational things that is what God has called me to. As much as I want to reap the benefits of the foundations I am pouring and be there to see what comes months down the line…God has not called me to that. I am called to be faithful now, to lay a solid foundation for these programs, and right now to do the organizational piece and I have to leave the rest up to Him. Please pray for me as I am daily trying to surrender each of these programs to God and give Him complete control over my life!
I have also found out I will be leaving the mission a week early June 8th and be spending the rest of my stay in PAP. I will be spending 2 days at another organization that wants to start a special needs facility similar to ours. Courtney and I are flying down to walk the land with them, talk to them, give them a blueprint of what we are doing at the Miriam Center and dream Big with them. Then on the 10th I will be meeting up with Jody and spending till the 14th working in the Tent City that my home church has been supporting with Jody. I am going to get to deliver food and supplies. Some of which we collected and took to the warehouse in Kentucky. God has really been opening big doors. I am so excited for this trip BUT with that said though I am super-excited my heart hurts that I just lost those days with my kids. Please pray for peace for me as this once again is something I need to surrender to my BIG GOD and trust his plans!
Internet once again to slow to post pictures :( sorry guys
not a suitable substitute
1 day ago
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