Saturday, May 22, 2010

Loving on my kids

Today I was down in the Miriam Center and Joshua crawled up to me and layed his head down on my lap and wrapped his arms around me. I started singing the song “Mighty to Save” and patting and rubbing his back. After a few minutes he started rubbing my back. It is a moment I will not forget anytime soon. As I sang and thanked God that He is mighty to save. God saved Joshua and brought him here to the Miriam Center for a purpose. I prayed over Joshua asking God to heal the hurts inside of him with knowing he was abandoned. I prayed that when he is lonely, sad, or scared that he would know that God is with him.

This morning I had a wonderful time just loving on the children. I held Walden for a good 15 minutes and just sang to him, talked to him and loved on him. I could feel him sink into my arms and saw in his smile how he was savoring the moment of someone loving on him. I also had the opportunity to do the same thing with Kem. Kem and Walden are my 2 kids who are trapped in spastic body’s but so there cognitively. Neither of them can communicate threw speech but are determined to let you know what they want. Kem today grabbed my foot as I was spending time with Walden to let me know she wanted some cuddle time as well.

This afternoon we have a fun filled day planned including sensory play witht the kids, then a worship time with the gran moun and miriam home children. The following are some pictures from this morning. In the following pictures you can see why these children just steal my heart :)

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