So, I came to Haiti with a pretty good idea of what I was going to do next year. I was about 90% sure that I was going to take the job in Nevada. After I prayed about it, was there and saw it…all the pieces were falling into place. All I was waiting for was to talk to the OT I would be working with for a few more details and working out a few other details as far as relocation. It was perfect I would have a full salary, 9 weeks paid vacation for Haiti and to go home on a few holidays, beautiful area. Mainly it allowed me to do 2 things I love and know I am called to working with children and still having opportunity to go to Haiti
Well, God decided to throw a twist in….He has been breaking, molding, and convicting me of His plans and reminding me that His plans are not always ours. It has been a wonderfully HARD week. I have spent a lot of time in prayer, in scripture, seeking God’s face and asking for wisdom of the plans God had for me.
I want to show you some pieces to the puzzle God is building…This is one BIG PUZZLE because I serve a BIG GOD. I am going to share a few of the pieces…It would take forever to tell you about all of them
Puzzle piece # 1- Mexico
Going to Mexico when I was 12 for the first time and it was then that I new missions was going to be a part of my life. I always thought it was going to be in Mexico but God has another plan
Puzzle piece #2- Cara Campbell Black
Cara is the one who got me into Haiti the first time and it was the beginning of a passion God has been increasing day by day. God has given me a heart for disabled children in 3rd world countries
Puzzle piece #3- Lori Basey
This time when I came into Haiti I came in with a group called No Boundaries International. I got involved with this group threw a God Incident 2 years ago threw a class project. I had a really bad attitude about the project and so I just picked the first article I could find and it was one written about a lady who did a lot of work in the homeless shelters. I was amazed at the program she was doing and so the 2nd part of the class was contacting her by phone and doing an interview. After the phone interview I turned to my friend Emily and said this women is my role model. She was an OT and huge into mission work. Since the homeless shelter she had started her own ministry that went to 5 different countries doing evangelism and therapy and they also do inner city work in the united states in a few cities. You can check out more about there ministry online :) It is a really awesome program. Anyway, the past 2 years Lori and I have had many phone conversations. Last summer she surprised me by going to Haiti and meeting my children and visiting NWHCM with a team. Then around December this year she called to see when I was going into Haiti and I ended up moving my going in date earlier so we could go in together.
Puzzle piece #4- Courtney Peirce
My Twin in Haiti who God gave a very similar passion. Courtney is the director of the Miriam Center who daily fights for the disabled children of Haiti and their families showering them with love, support, and resources. We work so well together and God truly brought us together to do great things for God’s kingdom. If you told us a year ago we would be where we are today we would have told you, you were crazy that will never happen BUT BIG GOD and Here we are.
Puzzle piece #5- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Doing my placement at Cincinnati children’s hospital allowed me to go to the big meeting in Cincinnati and meet so many people who are involved in the plans and development of the new compound in Bono.
Lets say I had no idea that my BIG GOD was bringing some big pieces to his puzzle together this past week while I was in Haiti. Here are some new pieces to the puzzle from this week.
#1- Being asked to be the Miriam Center Occupational Therapy Coordinator for NWHCM for Courtney. ( I accepted :)
#2- Being asked to move to Oklahoma and join No Boundaries International and partner with them on top of my partnership with NWHCM (Still praying about this)
#3- My friends I met at the Cincinnati Meeting from Orphans promise showing up at the mission the other day and sharing in these Big plans.
#4- finding out that Lori Basey’s team had prayed over the land in Bono before Courntey ever visited or found out about the land
#5- Finding out what we are doing at the Miriam Center is a blueprint for other facilities in this country and across the world!
#6- Being asked to start a program like For Jonathan’s Sake in outside of PAP by a man who was visiting the mission. Also having the possibility of starting other programs across Haiti for disabilities children
#7- Courtney Joining No Boundaries International
I could keep going there are at least 10 other pieces this week I could add…God has been laying piece after piece out in front of us this week. This is His plan, His timing! He has me here for such a time as this. I have not had time to process everything today. Courtney and I sat down with the No boundaries team today for 3 hours and brainstormed our vision what our roles would look like.
Here is a glimpse from our brainstorming-Possibly name the program “In Their Grasp”
-Based on the Scripture Zephaniah 3:19 “I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame.”
-The program would be about making sure people know that they are loved and provide ministry tools to the least of these.
-The program would encompass 2 different aspects
•Family Centered Orphan Care- Modeled around the Miriam Home
•Family-Outreach Care- Modeled around For Jonathan’s Sake
-We would partner with already established ministries here in Haiti to start then across the world and provide them with a blueprint on how to love the least of these and the forgotten correctly in a God-centered way.
What would My role consist of threw No Boundaries International?
1.Helping develop a Rehab Training Program outline with a game plan, basic treatment plans per diagnosis and level that would have good pictures and could be translated into the languages of the countries we are going into.
2.Writing articles to be published to get the word out of whats going on from a rehab perspective
3.Putting together promotional videos for the different groups like a therapy one, one for churches, etc.
4.Working on networking and connecting with already existing programs
5.Working on an Amputee program for Haiti
I would also be able to have daily worship and prayer time with the staff, have various training related to the mission field and great opportunities to grow in my faith and in my calling to ministry.
If I decide to join No Boundaries I would still have a full-time job to pay off my loans but I would move to Oklahoma. I am looking at trying to do travel therapy in Oklahoma as an option BUT I know God will take care of the details if He calls me there. PLEASE PRAY for wisdom for me as I am in the process of making a huge decision about my future.
Here is What God has been telling me….
“For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” Prov 3:26
“By WISDOM the Lord laid the earth’s foundations by UNDERSTANDING he set the heaven’s in place by his KNOWLEDGE the deeps were divided and the clouds let drop the dew.” Prov 3:19-20
“WISDOM is supreme, therefore get WISDOM. Though it costs all you have, get UNDERSTANDING.” Prov 4:7
“Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire will compare to her.” Prov 8:12
“Those who love wisdom and seek wisdom will find it” Prov 8:17
“Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doors, waiting at my doorway…whoever finds me, finds life and receives favor from the LORD.” Prov 8: 32-35
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If your wise your wisdom will reward you.” Prov 9:10-12
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. The LORD works out everything for his own end.” Prov 16:3-4
“The Lord works everything out for His own end.” Prov 16:4
Please Pray as I want more than anything to make a wise decision for God!
While riding in the tap-taps the last few days These are the whispers I have heard from God
1.TRUST- do you trust me?
5.How can you love me Most? (What job can I do that with?)
6.How can you best bring me glory with my life?
1.Love God with my whole heart
2.Bring glory and honor to God
3.Serve God only
4.Run hard after God
5.Be his hands, feet, and face to the world
6.Spread Christ’s love to all
1.The easy road or the wide path
2.wise by the world’s standards
God has been speaking to me a lot threw worship music as well some of the songs include
2.No Matter What it takes
3.I have decided to follow Jesus
The No Boundaries Team is also a great worship team and here are the lyrics to a few of the songs they have that have become a prayer of mine.
He said lets feed the poor
He said lets heal the sick
He aid lets raise the dead
He said lets drive out darkness
In Him with Him for Him through Him
No borders no limits no rules
He said lets make disciples
He said lets spread my love
He said lets be an army
He said lets change the world
In Him with Him for Him though Him
No borders no limits no rules
Lets go lets give lets pray
Lets tell the world about Jesus
In Him with Him for Him though Him
No borders no limits no rules
No Boundaries, No Boundaries, No Boundaries
This has become my song! My vision for my life!
Just a Little While Longer
My soul cries, My soul cries
My soul cries how they need you
It’s just a little while longer and they’ll see you
It’s just a little while longer and they’ll know you
It’s just a little while longer and they will run to you
All I want is to speak your word
And will you keep me here until all have heard
For our neighbors, for our loved ones
For the strangers we don’t even know
We pray they will run to you!
I Will Go
To the desperate eyes and reaching hands
To the suffering and the lame
To the ones the world has cast aside
Where you want me, I will be
I will go, I will go, I will go Lord send me
To the world, to the lost, to the poor and hungry
Take everything I am; I’m clay within your hands
I will go, I will go, send me
Let me not be blind with privlidge
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing you’ve poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for a chance
I want to live for you, go where you need me, I want to follow you.
Cause you’re all I want
You’re all I need
You’re everything, everything
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
I will never
I will never lose my faith
I will never turn my back
I will never run away
Because of what you have done for me
I will always turn to you
I will always seek your face
I will always praise you LORD
Because of what you have done for me!
As I stand in Awe of God and How BIG and GREAT He is. PLEASE Pray for my heart, for wisdom, for me to be His humble servant while here in Haiti!
not a suitable substitute
1 day ago
I will pray for GOD to provide you with very clear answers. We all know that we are not to be of the world, but we do live in the world. In order to take care of others you need to be able to provide for yourself and the obligations that you have already sworn to take care of (ie. college loans).
ReplyDeleteYour desire has always been to work with children to assist them with OT needs. The job in Nevada will enable you to work with the children, they will assist in keeping you current with any "new" methodology in your field, they will assist in keeping any/all certifications up to date. Keeping abreast of the "latest" research, techniques, etc. is essential to adequately help those that you LOVE. Don't you think it is a sign that you would have the summers free to mission in Haiti? How many job opportunities in you field would have that possibility? You could still work with "no boundaries". You would get long weekends off, you could spend part of your Christmas, Easter breaks assisting. How important is it to be physically located in Oaklahoma. With internet, skycam, etc. we are NEVER far from each other. You could read, review and give input that would be invalualbe to the project, but you would also be working with childen in a school system that need what you can offer them. Your BIG GOD can enable you to have it ALL. Don't sell yourself or HIM short. Just "think outside of the box". We are so very proud of you. You are such a devoted Christian. You bring a smile to my face everytime I think of you. You are your Uncle Larry's "peanut". It is hard to believe that you are all grown up and giving back more than I can comprehend. GOD BLESS you!!! He has certainly blessed up by having you in our lives. We LOVE you.
Sorry if I have added in more confusion. I don't mean to cause you any doubt. Please don't be angry with me. We love you,
Uncle Larry and Aunt Linda